This brief quiz from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine may provide a clue to your sleep profile. If you answer true more than twice, you may want to speak to your ENT Sleep physician.

  1. I feel sleepy during the day, even when I got a good night’s sleep.
  2. I get irritable when I can’t sleep.
  3. I often wake up at night and have trouble falling back to sleep.
  4. It usually take me a long time to fall asleep.
  5. I usually feel achy and stiff when I wake up in the morning.
  6. I often seem to wake up because of dreams.
  7. I sometimes wake up gasping for breath.
  8. My bed partner says my snoring keeps her/him from sleeping.
  9. I’ve fallen asleep while driving.

Contact our clinic for an appointment if you suspect you may have sleep apnoea.